100 Smart Goal Examples: With high quality printable PDF resources
So you're looking for some examples of smart goals...
Below you'll find the list of smart goal examples you've been dreaming of. You'll find 100 different examples, and printable PDF's resources for you to use as you wish.
As an executive/well-being coach and goal-setting business owner myself, smart goals are my bread and butter. I work with people on their various goals asking questions to help them choose the most meaningful and effective goals possible. This often means working with them to turn their initial goals into smart goals.
I've encountered thousands of different examples of goals in my work, the smart, the far-from-smart, and everything in between...
I also studied the science of smart goal setting, the goal journey, and goal achievement in great detail at university in both my degree and my masters degree.
For easy browsing, the 100 examples below are split into 10 categories:
- Business
- Health and Fitness, Weight Loss and Body
- Finances and Saving
- Career advancement
- Love and Marriage
- Friendship and Family
- Fun/Enjoyment
- Students and Studying
- Well-being and Happiness
- Learning and personal development
SMART goals tend to be either outcome goals (what final result you'd like to see, sometimes called end goals) or action goals (what you intend to do to get there, sometimes called performance goals).
Both outcome goals and action goals can exist in multiple time frames and in fact it's recommended that they do. However, action goals usually tend to be shorter term and are often set specifically to move closer to an outcome goal.
The purpose of aspirations or dreams, which tend to be longer term (distal) goals, are to provide excitement, hope, and energy. Short-term (proximal) goals are usually set to provide drive, focus, and persistence against obstacles. Having a variety of both types of goals is desirable.
In each category below you'll find a wide variety of goal setting examples to use, utilising a number of different psychological techniques. I hope this will give you some ideas when choosing your own goals and help you tighten up your goals making them SMARTer.
Some of the goals below are excellent examples of goals that meet the SMART criteria... and you'll find an explanation of why after each goal. Some are good in some areas, but not good in others, and the explanation after the goal will show how it can be improved to use the power of each element of the smart acronym.
Ten Smart Business Goal Examples
Smart Goal Examples: Business
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With the 2 example goals below being realistic is slightly less important because there's lots of time for the unexpected to happen.
Smart Goal Example 1.
Reach annual advertising income of $---------- by the end of 2025
- Specific - Less specific would be "income" or "passive income". "Annual" also makes this goal more specific. Consider how precise and clear you want to be.
- Measurable - A dollar amount is easy to measure
- Attainable (and challenging) - This is subjective. Depends entirely on the individual setting the goal, the current income received from ads, and others relevant factors. Can you explain why it's possible? Can you tell a story that ends with your desired outcome?
- Relevant - Once again subjective. You can ask yourself the question "on a scale of 1 to 10 how important is this right now?" to get an idea of relevance. Also ask yourself, could this goal be more relevant?
- Timed - '2025' is the time-frame
Smart Goal Example 2.
1,000,000 mailing list subscribers by 2030
- Specific - Mailing list subscribers
- Measurable - Can be measured on any mailing list package
- Attainable (and challenging) - Can you walk someone through a growth plan that leads to this outcome?
- Relevant - Is your mailing list growth being successfully converted into increased traffic and income? Would it be wiser to focus on click-through % for example?
- Timed - '2030' is the time-frame
When the goal is around a year or two away the need to be slightly more realistic increases...
Smart Goal Example 3.
Make total profit of $---------- in 2022.
- Specific - Profit as opposed to for example income
- Attainable (and challenging) - Do you have a concrete plan?
- Relevant - Is there some particular significance to the 20%?
- Timed - '2022' is the time-frame
The more short-term your goals are, the more important it is to strike that balance between realistic and challenging.
Your shorter term goals should be connected in some way to your exciting longer-term goals to give them greater meaning, and should be self-selected. People have been shown to be more committed when they select their own goals.
Smart Goal Example 4.
Increase website page views by 20% next month
- Specific - Page views is more specific than traffic as traffic can be measured in visitors, visits, sessions, and page views.
- Measurable - 20% increase is easy to measure using google analytics.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Is there a precedent? Do you have a plan?
- Relevant - Is 20% more than the past month relevant? Are there natural seasonal fluctuations to consider? Why is page views chosen rather than visitors or sessions for example?
- Timed - 'next month' is a time-frame
Smart Goal Example 5.
Create 100 pages of website content in the next two weeks that rank in the top 30 in google's rankings. Each page based on keyword research with profitability figures of 10,000 and above and monthly demand of at least 500 searchers
- Specific - Could be more specific here including minimum word count of each page, and checked for SEO etc but as that is common practise it is left out.
- Measurable - 100 pages, top 30 ranking (google analytics), based on profitability scores of 10,000 and above (keyword research tool)
- Attainable (and challenging) - How big is your team? What % of your pages currently rank? How many pages will you need to create to reach your goal?
- Relevant - Is this the wisest use of your time and resources? Are there other options?
- Timed - 'two weeks' is the time-frame
Daily goals can give you some extra zip and focus and can leave you with a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Use these if you want to create an extra push.
Smart Goal Example 6.
10 completed pages of website content (600 words min) by 8pm today
- Specific - Completed pages (important to state what completed means - images? spell-checked? published?)
- Measurable - 10 pages, how will you measure completed?
- Attainable (and challenging) - Have you managed this before?
- Relevant - Is this connected with your longer term outcome goals?
- Timed - '8pm today' is the time-frame
Smart Goal Example 7.
Find 20 keywords today that are relevant to my niche and adhere to my conditions
- Specific - Keywords. Stating the conditions are vital here. For example, demand per month, number of companies supplying the content already, and google ads profitability measures.
- Measurable - 20 of them, conditions are measurable
- Attainable (and challenging) - Quality of worker good enough?
- Relevant - Is this connected with your longer term outcome goals?
- Timed - Today could be more specific and include an exact time. Today can be consider before midnight.
Smart Goal Example 8.
Contact 3 keyword specialists by midday today that I've used before and share my goal and time-frame and ask for prices
- Specific - Make contact - More specific might include how... i.e. email, call. Also 'used before' makes this goal more specific
- Attainable (and challenging) - Tried and tested? Any potential obstacles?
- Relevant - Will this likely lead to your outcome goals?
Smart Goal Example 9.
Select and Text message 20 content creators by 11am with my request
- Specific - Send text message
- Attainable (and challenging) - Do you need to find them? Or have them already?
- Relevant - Will this help you reach your daily outcome goal? Yearly outcome goal?
Smart Goal Example 10.
Spend two hours at some point in the next two weeks with my social media expert preparing next months posts
- Specific - spend two hours
- Measurable - 2 hours, within next two weeks
- Attainable (and challenging) - Is it arranged already or needs to be arranged for another day?
- Relevant - Is this the best use of your time? Is it congruent with your vision?
You might want to get into the habit of transforming your list of things to do, or your schedule into goals? Life will certainly become quite a bit more interesting!
Ten Examples of Smart Health, fitness, and Body Goals
Smart goal example: Health/Body
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When it come to fitness and the body goal-setting is deeply embedded in the industry. I'll aim to give a variety of examples using different time-frames and different types of goal (outcome orientated goals and performance or action goals).
Smart Goal Example 11.
To reach 10% body fat by 2028
- Specific - 10% body fat is very specific. Does "by 2028" indicate the day before, i.e. Dec 31st 2027? Or something else?
- Measurable - 10% can be measured using calipers of body fat scales
- Attainable (and challenging) - Subjective. All depends on current body fat and amount of time. I'd say with enough time anything is attainable.
- Relevant - Why is this important to you? What will this lead to?
Smart Goal Example 12.
To do my body-weight exercises regime 5 days a week for 3 months
- Specific - Assuming the regime is decided, i.e. exercises, number of reps, then this is specific
- Measurable - 5 days a week for 3 months
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on multiple factors.
- Relevant - Are you for example doing other exercises outside of this goal? sports? running? swimming? gym? Is this goal wise considering your big picture?
- Timed - 3 months. Some may want to consider a timed approach for example, do a 20 minute body-weight exercise regime. It all depends on your priorities and limitations.
For goals where you are hoping to do something for example 5 days a week for a certain amount of time I'd recommend creating a chart or something like that to help you track progress.
Smart Goal Example 13.
To reach __kg by Jan 1st 2026
- Specific - Simple but specific. Reach __kg is not vague in any way.
- Measurable - __ kg is easily measurable using scales.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on multiple factors but 2026 makes this almost certainly attainable.
- Relevant - Is the weight you're shooting for safe and healthy according to recent health guidance?
- Timed - Jan 1st 2026. The timing poses an interesting dynamic. Christmas 2025 comes into sharp focus. This shows that reflecting on your goal using the SMART acronym is always helpful in multiple ways.
Smart Goal Example 14.
To run __ km this year
- Specific - A question arises... what speed is running? compared to say jogging? or sprinting? There is often the question, "how specific do I want or need to be in this situation?". I imagine for most specific speed wouldn't be important.
- Measurable - __ km is easily measurable using a running app. Even without this can be estimated closely enough using a map, especially if your jogging route tends to be similar each time you run.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Totally depends. How important is this to you? How much did you run last year? the year before?
- Relevant - What are you doing this for? What will happen if you achieve this? What won't happen if you don't achieve this?
Smart Goal Example 15.
To join 2 groups who exercise or play a sport this week
- Specific - join as in sign-up? or join as in attend? I'm guessing it means sign-up. Is "exercise or play a sport" specific enough? Would curling count? or darts? This would depend on the reasons behind the goal
- Measurable - join 2 groups is measurable. Did you join 2 groups can be easily answered "yes" or "no" once we know what join means
- Attainable (and challenging) - Totally depends on your personal circumstances
- Relevant - Depends on the subjective reasons
Smart Goal Example 16.
To spend 1 hour a day researching sporting or exercise groups until I have my first appointment booked
- Specific - I'd say this is a good level of specific. " research" is specific enough, and "sporting or exercise groups" also
- Measurable - join 2 groups is measurable. Did you join 2 groups can be easily answered "yes" or "no" once we know what join means
- Attainable (and challenging) - Dependant on individual
- Relevant - Depends on the reasons.
- Timed - 1 hour a day indefinitely until outcome reached
Smart Goal Example 17.
To rate how grateful I am for my body at 8,9,or10/10 by the end of May
- Specific - The desired outcome is clearly defined
- Measurable - Things like "to be more grateful" can be measured using goals like this that include self-ratings
- Attainable (and challenging) - Dependant on current gratitude rating, time between "now" and May, and unique factors related to the individual
- Relevant - As a psychologist myself, I tend to lean towards most goals that focus on creating extra gratitude to be relevant, but of course even this depends or various factors. For example, people with mental health challenges that are resistant to gratitude should be given total power. They should decide when, if, how, and how much and should certainly not be pushed.
Smart Goal Example 18.
Without mentioning anything about my body, to attract 5 positive comments from friends or loved ones in July this year
- Specific - Attract is an odd word choice here. Words that focus on the "how" tend to be poor choices. "Receive" would probably be a better and more specific choice here.
- Measurable - 5 Positive comments. 5 is certainly measurable. There could be a slight doubt regarding what "positive" means but it's probably pedantic to be any more specific than this (i.e. is jealous still positive?)
- Attainable (and challenging) - Both tricky and interesting one because it's dependant on other people but I see no reason this isn't attainable.
- Relevant - Of course, there are things that a person can do to increase the chances of receiving positive comments, but I wonder of there is a moral line here that deserves attention. An additional action goal that focuses on things a person will try and do in order to receive these comments to accompany this outcome goal would help clarify any moral questions.
- Timed - in July this year. I like the idea of having a future start date and end date. Means momentum and excitement can be built up before the goal even begins.
Smart Goal Example 19.
To run a marathon/half marathon/triathlon by the time I'm 40 years old
- Specific - To run a marathon is pretty clear-cut
- Measurable - Perhaps to "complete" a marathon would be more measurable
- Attainable (and challenging) - Highly dependant
- Relevant - Especially when it comes to health relevance is a big question and seeking professional advice is recommended
Smart Goal Example 20.
To learn a new way to use my body that causes me pride and gratitude
- Specific - This is a very odd goal and is perhaps a bad example of a smart goal. Exactly when have I "learnt" this new way? Is a millisecond of pride enough? pride and gratitude together?
- Measurable - This goal is tricky to measure precisely
- Attainable (and challenging) - Because it's difficult to measure accurately and therefore track progress and completion how attainable it is becomes a nonviable question. How attainable is what exactly? The goal therefore loses it's capacity to motivate
- Relevant - Is it especially important for you to feel pride or gratitude in relation to you body?
- Timed - This goal is not timed
Ten Examples of smart finances and saving goals
Smart goal example: Finances
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Smart Goal Example 21.
To reach _______ in savings by 2030
- Specific - Is property considered savings? How about various investments? Items owned? Or are we only talking about the money in saving accounts? It could help to be more specific here but this depends on the complexity of the portfolio
- Measurable - an amount of money is certainly measurable
- Attainable (and challenging) - Highly dependant
- Relevant - What are some of the reasons for this goal? Are the reasons important to you? What would reaching this goal mean to you? What would you be-able to do?
Smart Goal Example 22.
For my average monthly income in 2021 to be ___________
- Specific - This goal has a good level of specificity. Both income and average make this so.
- Measurable - an average amount of income is measurable
- Attainable (and challenging) - Highly dependant
- Relevant - Are there some immediate motivating reasons behind this goal? How important are these reasons to you?
Smart Goal Example 23.
To find and start working with a financial coach 1-2-1 by April this year
- Specific - "find" and "start working" is a good amount of specific. Also saying "financial coach" and "1-2-1" rather than just "coach" is an appropriate upgrade is specificity. Perhaps stipulating whether online is possible or whether only face to face could be a helpful addition
- Measurable - to start working is measurable. A clearly measurable end point.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Level of attainability depends... possibly on factors such as time-available, finances available, and availability of financial coaches.
- Relevant - Working with a coach is one of the most effective ways to achieve more of what you want to. It significantly increases performance, development, personal growth, and unlocks more of your potential. It is empowering, and this is even more so with a coach that feels like a good fit for you.
- Timed - by April this year. I think a specific date may be better wording with this goal as it's pretty near-by.
Smart Goal Example 24.
For my financial investments to increase by __% this year
- Specific - "my financial investments to increase" is specific
- Measurable - the use of a percentage makes it measurable
- Attainable (and challenging) - It depends on multiple factors.
- Relevant - This would depend on the goal. If it were 2% this wouldn't be appropriate as a decent savings account could fetch more than that. If it were 3000% this would of course imply a lot of extra risk. How especially relevant increasing financial gains is would depend on personal factors and circumstances.
Smart Goal Example 25.
To interview 10 different financial adviser's in the next two months
- Specific - How many questions? how long will the interview be? may be appropriate increases in specificity here. For example, at least 20 mins, at least 10 questions.
- Measurable - 10 interviews can be measured
- Attainable (and challenging) - It depends on factors.
- Relevant - Hope theory suggests that when we have many options, we have greater hope. That makes this a relevant aspect of this goal. Whether or not the use of a financial adviser is relevant would depend again on various things.
- Timed - in the next two months
Smart Goal Example 26.
To prepare 20 powerful questions to ask in my interviews with financial advisers
- Specific - "powerful" is subjective and thus difficult to measure. "write down" would be better than the slightly more vague "prepare". Questions for the purpose of an interview of a specific employee is suitably specific.
- Measurable - 20 questions can easily be measured. The quality and relevance is another matter
- Attainable (and challenging) - We need a time-frame to deem how challenging or attainable this is
- Relevant - Preparation for an interview with people who wish to hire you is especially relevant. To have an idea of what you want, what you're looking for, will give you some power and control in a situation where it's certainly desirable.
- Timed - this goal needs a time-frame such as "by the end of today" or "in the next hour" to be SMART
Smart Goal Example 27.
To be debt free by 2026
- Specific - debt-free. More detail may be helpful in this case. i.e. to pay off my mortgage, loan, and 3 credit cards. Details make it real.
- Measurable - free of debt is measurable
- Attainable (and challenging) - Hard to know without unique knowledge of goal-setter
- Relevant - Almost certainly. Perhaps there is the question of ideal timing, and comparison to other priorities and relevant goals
Smart Goal Example 28.
To spend 3 hours a week for 6 months learning how to trade with a practise account
- Specific - Good specificity. Less specific would be not mentioning the practise account. i.e. how the learning will happen (experiential). More specific might be "trade stocks in the US"
- Measurable - 3 hours a week for 6 months
- Attainable (and challenging) - A scheduling and persistence challenge. With goals like this things tend to change quickly once the goal-setter begins and it's a matter of changing and adapting the goal while holding on to the initial intent
Smart Goal Example 29.
To spend 30 minutes a day researching savings accounts until I'm aware of 20 different accounts and have ranked them in a spreadsheet
* I personally don't like these goals with no end date. "until" goals. Some potential motivational power is lost when there is no clear desired time of completion... No wall to work within... No finishing line in sight... You get the picture :-)
- Specific - "Researched savings accounts", "ranked in spreadsheet". One question to ask is does the level of being specific constrain? or does it make what needs to be done clear? Thus freeing up quick and concrete movement. In this case, I'd guess the use of "spreadsheet" is a positive one and is the typical way the goal-setter does lists.
- Measurable - 30 mins a day, 20 accounts, ranked
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends
- Relevant - Depends. 30 mins may be too short a time if there is any setting up to be done before starting. Otherwise it will be suitable.
- Timed - Could benefit from an end date
Quite often when you see a goal, a question will naturally arise. In this goal, my question was "How will you rank them?". This kind of questioning can lead to a better SMART goal, and thus more motivation or persistence being activated.
Smart Goal Example 30.
When I ask myself the question, "how well are you currently managing your finances on a scale of 1-10?", to answer 8 or above on September 1st at 5pm this year.
- Specific - Very specific. No grey area.
- Measurable - Scale makes this easy to measure
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends
- Timed - Excellent. September 1st at 5pm this year. This level of specificity may seem silly but it will come into it's own as the date nears.
Scaling questions can be powerful in measuring things that typically go unmeasured. I've heard valid questions like, "what's stopping me from just lying a bit?" or "What if I'm just feeling particularly optimistic at that time on that day?". These are good questions and are food for thought...
Ten examples of smart career advancement goals
Smart Goal Examples: Job/Career
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Smart Goal Example 31.
To get a promotion before Feb 1st next year
- Specific - A promotion leaves some room for manoeuvre. Could be current company or another. Could be a variety of different positions. Sometimes this is desirable. Sometimes there will be a specific job at a specific place. The actions to take in these two different goals will be very different so accuracy of the goal is key again.
- Measurable - "to get" is the measured item here possibly meaning to be officially offered. "to start" would be another option.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Is this within the realms of possibility?
- Relevant - What does this promotion mean to you?
- Timed - before Feb 1st next year
Smart Goal Example 32.
To interview 5 different career coaches and choose the one I think will best increase my chances of reaching my end goal by the end of this week
- Specific - "interview", "career coaches", "choose 1" - Very good
- Measurable - 5 interviews can be measured. choose 1 can also be measured.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Seems like a good balance. Of course depends on various limitations (time, availability of coaches). Striking that sweet spot of realistic but not too easy is an art that comes with practise.
- Relevant - How important is your career to you?
- Timed - by end of this week
Smart Goal Example 33.
To find the number 1 thing holding me back in the next two months and have at least 8/10 conviction in this finding
- Specific - very clear outcome
- Measurable - 8/10 conviction on a scale
- Attainable (and challenging) - Interesting one. On the one hand, this could take 10 seconds. This goal implies that the setter really does not know and suggests there is work to be done to discover this key. As always, appropriate attainability is a very personal thing that is worthy of exploration.
- Relevant - The very nature of this goal suggests the setter believes there is a key thing to be discovered that is holding them back so this implies high relevance.
- Timed - in the next two months
Smart Goal Example 34.
To spend 2 hours a week for the next 3 months doing some task that will increase my chances of getting a promotion
- Specific - very clear what needs to happen. "some task" seems appropriate given the length of time that this goal will be active. A great variety in tasks is perhaps inevitable.
- Measurable - 2 hours a week is good. Each week for 3 months also good. (tick chart would be desirable supporting tool).
- Attainable (and challenging) - Time based action goals tend to be more attainable. Of course the longer you want to maintain your effort, the harder it can be. 3 months may feel for some quite a long time. Tracking can help with this.
- Relevant - How important is this promotion you want to you? Does the time spent seem to match the level of importance?
- Timed - for the next 3 months
Smart Goal Example 35.
To finish my career advancement plan (final draft) by __________
- Specific - Number of minimum target pages could help? Is there a template plan that will be followed?
- Measurable - 2 hours a week is good. Each week for 3 months also good. (tick chart would be desirable supporting tool).
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on size of plan, time available, level of expertise writing them, precedents, and the target date chosen.
- Relevant - Where is your career advancement in terms of your priorities right now? Is now the best timing to focus on this? Will anything be neglected? Is there a better time?
Smart Goal Example 36.
To research and rank in a spreadsheet, 8 different companies and express my interest
- Specific - Research, rank, in a spreadsheet - good. "express my interest" is a little vague. Is this sending an email, making a phone call? shouting it from the roof top? Even finding suitable people to contact might be a big task within itself. Lack of specificity here means this goal could be tackled halfheartedly
- Attainable (and challenging) - Subjective. A specific idea of how long might help with this.
- Relevant - 8 companies seems relevant. where there are lots of choices, there is empowerment and a sense of I'm in control of my future.
- Timed - No end date indicated. For example, "by the end of today". To be fair, sometimes the target date/time with goals is so obvious it's emitted. When the task is just about to be done, and there is already a 30 minute slot assigned to it, it my naturally be left out.
Smart Goal Example 37.
To pro-actively (without being asked) come up with 5 different ways of improving communication at work and introduce the best one to the most appropriate person by the end of this month
- Specific - What form will these ways take. A sentence? A paragraph? A one-page plan?
- Measurable - 5 ways, introduce 1
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on many different things
- Relevant - What evidence do you have that communication is wise area to focus on?
- Timed - end of this month
Smart Goal Example 38.
When I ask myself the question, "How meaningful is my work on a scale of 1 to 10"? to be able to answer at least 8 by January 2022.
- Specific - specific answer to a specific question
- Measurable - at least 8/10
- Attainable (and challenging) - It will depend on many things... for example, how meaningful the goal-setters work is right now. If it is already 7 then this won't be challenging at all. If it is 2 and the goal-setter has lots of responsibilities that make changing work difficult than this could be incredibly challenging.
- Relevant - Maybe worth doing some work on what's most important for you at work. Meaning? Passion? Enjoyment? Financial gain? Other types of gain? If meaning is most important then this is a relevant goal
Smart Goal Example 39.
To take 3 new steps a week for 2 months to improve the quality of my relationships at work
- Specific - You'll always be treading a line when it comes to how specific to be. Specific enough to free up easy movement. Not so specific as to stifle creativity and flexibility. I feel here "steps" is vague but suitably so because of the variety of new steps that'll need to be tried to accomplish this goal.
- Measurable - 3 new steps a week. This action can be easily measured. The outcome however, "improve quality of relationships" would require some additional work, perhaps in a different goal.
- Attainable (and challenging) - 3 new steps a week over 2 months is approx 24 new steps. It perhaps becomes important to define "new" a little and this definition would play a role in how attainable this is
- Relevant - Is the goal relevant? Is the timing relevant? Is the approach relevant?
Smart Goal Example 40.
To interview 5 different headhunters and choose the one who best meets my pre-selected criteria by the end of the month
- Specific - One good way to check is a goal is specific is to ask yourself a yes/no question. If it's easy to answer then the goal is specific. "Did you interview 5 headhunters?". "yes, I did". See?
- Measurable - 5 interviews
- Attainable (and challenging) - Subjective of course. A few things it would depend on are the criteria and also the suitability of the candidates experience and desired role.
- Relevant - What anecdotal evidence do you have for using this approach?
- Timed - by the end of the month
Ten examples of smart love and marriage goals
Smart goal example: Love
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Smart Goal Example 41.
To be married in a healthy relationship in which we love each other by the time I'm __ years old
- Specific - 3 specific things mentioned here. To be married. Healthy relationship. and Love each other.
- Measurable - To be married is measurable. In a healthy relationship is a bit more tricky although there are ways (scaling questions, psychological scales).
- Attainable (and challenging) - I would certainly think so.
- Relevant - Can you rush love? It's an interesting question. Some think goals and love are inherently mismatched. I personally think it's certainly possible to do things that increase the chances of this happening. Where loving each other is necessary and what this means could also be debated.
- Timed - __ years old can be timed
Smart Goal Example 42.
To create a blueprint, or a clear picture, of the kind of relationship I want to be in by _________
- Specific - "blueprint or clear picture" - I find it kind of hard to imagine exactly what the end product is here but this language may be more familiar to the goal-setter.
- Measurable - I guess even though the exact end point is unclear in my mind (is a mind-map? a list of 50 items? a spider diagram?) I imagine the goal setter will know when they've finished, making this somewhat measurable. Could possibly be tightened up though.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on chosen end date and other obvious factors.
- Relevant - Sounds like a very worthy goal to me. It's infamously one area where people perhaps dive in without a clear idea of what they are looking for.
- Timed - by _________ (date and time would be best)
Smart Goal Example 43.
To come up with 10 ways I can meet potential future partners and to rate these 10 ways in a spreadsheet using a criteria of my own creation (for example including "level of comfort", "predicted chance of meeting someone that fits my vision", "level of likely enjoyment" etc by the end of this week
- Specific - High level of specificity here. Very precise. Makes starting easy.
- Measurable - 10 ways can be measured. One addition would be adding what rate means. i.e. rate out of 10.
- Attainable (and challenging) - The level of detail makes this goal more attainable
- Relevant - Having ten options sounds wise. In psychology, hope theory suggests with multiple viable options acknowledged, there is more hope, and less giving up.
Smart Goal Example 44.
By the end of the month, highlight the main one thing that may be holding me back and make an action plan based on this
I find myself wondering how the goal-setter will go about this and how we will know when the action plan is completed.
- Specific - The outcome is very specific. To have one thing highlighted. "an action plan" could be more specific here I think.
- Measurable - The highlighting one thing is good. Numbers are always good when it comes to measuring. Can we say unequivocally the point when the action plan is made? Is it after one action is written down? Is it after 5 actions are written down? Is it after a certain 1 page template is filled out completely?
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends... It so often does.
- Relevant - I think the making an action plan based on 1 thing sounds relevant but it would of course depend on what exactly the goal-setter is being held back from.
Smart Goal Example 45.
To interview 5 different relationship coaches and rate them out of 10 in how likely they are to best support me in reaching my goal in the next two weeks
- Specific - interview is specific. Relationship coach rather than just coach is good. Exactly what is being measured is good.
- Measurable - 5 interviews. Rate out of 10. Exactly how mentioned. All easily measured.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on the person. How convinced are you that you would be able to complete this out of 10? If it's 1-4 maybe you need more time?
- Relevant - How important is being in a relationship to you? Is this method something you believe in? Relevance will depend on the answers to these kinds of questions.
- Timed - in the next two weeks
Smart Goal Example 46.
To find a relationship/love coach to work with that when asked "how happy am I with this coach on a scale of 1-10? I can answer 8 or above by the end of next month
- Specific - question is specific. "find" is not great. Far more specific and measurable would be to "complete 3 sessions with". I mean, how would the goal-setter know they are happy if they haven't met yet?
- Attainable (and challenging) - You know the drill. Depends on the individual.
- Relevant - What makes a goal relevant? Good timing. Personal importance. Passion. Meaning. The list could go on and on.
- Timed - end of next month
Smart Goal Example 47.
To learn about 5 new creative activities that claim to support me in my goal and choose my favourite one by the end of tomorrow
- Specific - "learn about" is a bit vague. What is the end point? But it's probably fine. "new creative activities" is better.
- Measurable - 5 and choose 1
- Attainable (and challenging) - How much time is available? Is a 5 minute page skim "learning" the activity?
- Relevant - The element of choice is relevant. Is the urgency relevant? Maybe. Always depends on you.
- Timed - by end of tomorrow
Smart Goal Example 48.
To devote one hour a day, twice a week, doing some task that builds my hopefulness about a positive outcome
- Specific - I do love a time devoted goal. Classic action goal rather than outcome goal. "A task that builds hopefulness" is kind of specific but perhaps difficult to measure. Better wording might be "A task that claims to build hopefulness".
- Measurable - 1 hour a day, twice a week
- Attainable (and challenging) - Sounds attainable but as always does depend. Someone might be insanely busy and struggle to find space.
- Relevant - "builds hopefulness" - Maybe as a psychologist I'm biased but what could be more relevant then this...
- Timed - No end point! Is this forever? If it is, then there's no progress. No nearing the finish line. No victory!
Smart Goal Example 49.
To find 5 examples of couples I look up to and take notes about what I like about them in the next two hours
- Specific - Every element is specific. Clear. No grey area.
- Measurable - 5 examples is good. Take notes could be better. 1/2 a page?
- Attainable (and challenging) - Especially with 1 hour or two hour outcome goals there is a danger of rushing the task and doing a poor job of it. If this risk feels especially important then it might be good to loosen the time constraints. A general rule is complex creative thinking tasks for example are not good under immediate timed pressure. Imagine trying to work out a complex riddle and someone counting down... "time is almost up. Just one minute left. 10, 9, 8...". It could cloud the mind.
- Relevant - this feels like a relevant goal to me if the goal-setter is looking for love
- Timed - In the next two hours
Smart Goal Example 50.
To read a book once a month for 6 months about love and finding love
- Specific - Read a book - yes. About love. Yes. Perhaps "finish a book" would be better.
- Measurable - once a month, for 6 months
- Attainable (and challenging) - Factors to consider. reading speed, time available, finances?
- Relevant - the goal might not fit the task well. Can we be sure each book is around the same length? Might be a square peg, round hole situation.
10 examples of smart friendship and family goals
Smart goal example: Friendship
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Smart Goal Example 51.
To take one step a week for a month to be there for a friend who is facing a big challenge
- Specific - "one step to be there for a friend who is facing a big challenge". Good level of specific. Not just any friend. a step to "be there".
- Measurable - once a week, for a month
- Attainable (and challenging) - Really depends. Pretty much every goal is unattainable for some, some of the time.
- Relevant - One consideration is whether the friend, who is facing a big challenge, wants someone to be there? It does seem like a lovely goal to pursue if done so carefully and taking into consideration what the person probably wants.
Smart Goal Example 52.
To make a list of _____ people who I've shared something special with over the years but I haven't contacted in the past year and choose the 5 I'd most like to get in touch with this Sunday at 10pm
- Specific - "List", "shared something special with", "Haven't contacted the past year". Nothing vague here.
- Measurable - list of ___ people, choose 5
- Attainable (and challenging) - It depends.
- Relevant - For some keeping touch with past friends may be more important then for others
- Timed - by this Sunday at 10pm
Smart Goal Example 53.
Do 1 new thing to meet new people this month
- Specific - "List", "shared something special with", "Haven't contacted the past year". Nothing vague here. Addition of something like "face to face" may be a good addition if that is the case for you
- Attainable (and challenging) - Doing new things will be far more challenging for some than others for multiple valid reasons. The challenge is to choose something that is a good balance specifically for you and no-one else.
- Relevant - why is meeting new people especially important? Is this month especially significant?
Smart Goal Example 54.
To ask myself, "what do I imagine are 5 things I could do for each of my family members that would give them a little extra happiness?" List them, and choose my favourite thing for each person by 8pm tomorrow
- Specific - Very detailed. Easy to action. Specific question. "list them" adds another level of clarity, and "choose my favourite" is clear
- Measurable - list of 5 things. Choose 1
- Attainable (and challenging) - time restraint could be a thing. This question always depends on numerous factors
- Relevant - to give a little extra happiness... what could be more relevant than that...
Smart Goal Example 55.
Highlight something specific that my closest 5 friends have done or said that I'm grateful for by the end of today
- Specific - The word "highlight" could be improved. Using something like "list" or "write down". There is a question coaches sometimes use to help with identifying specific goals. "How will you know when you've achieved your goal". If the goal is specific the answer will be straightforward. i.e. "I'll have in my hands a list of 5 things that I'm grateful for, one from each of my closest friends". Unequivocal.
- Measurable - "something" my "5 closest friends" have "said" or "done" is measurable.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends.
- Relevant - What are the reasons behind this action? Is the expected outcome important?
- Timed - by the end of today indicates midnight.
Smart Goal Example 56.
Do/say something similar to the 5 things above to my 5 closest friends in the next month
- Specific - The word "similar" could be open to interpretation, so maybe not ideal. "5 closest friends" is specific but is it too specific? Might it limit flexibility in this case? Is there a valid reason for this limitation? "do/say 5 things" is pretty clear.
- Measurable - do/say 5 things
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on unique circumstances. What obstacles do you envision? How might you steady the ship on those bumps?
- Relevant - From a philosophical point of view this feels relevant. Paying it forward.
- Timed - in the next month
Smart Goal Example 57.
To choose one friend who I think would most appreciate it/benefit from it and arrange to give them the gift of time by the end of the month (choose a significant period of time, plan how I will give it, and devote it entirely to that person whether it's doing something with them or doing something on my own for them)
- Specific - "choose one friend" is specific. The criteria is somewhat specific and helpful. Choose a period of time. make a plan. carry it out. What needs to happen is clear. The phrase "significant period of time" is however subjective.
- Measurable - one friend, choose time period, plan, devote it. This is all measurable.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on unique circumstances. What obstacles do you envision? How might you steady the ship on those bumps?
- Relevant - positive psychology has an intervention called "the gift of time" which this goal seems to utilise. However, it's possible the time spent choice could end up limiting the impact of this goal. What is a "significant" amount of time?
- Timed - by the end of the month
Smart Goal Example 58.
Write a letter of gratitude to a close friend who I don't feel I have expressed my gratitude amply enough by midnight tomorrow
- Specific - "Write a letter" is specific. More specific would be "write a one page letter". The question is always, "how specific do I want to be?". Does this level of specificity serve me or restrict me?
- Measurable - when do we know the task is completed? Perhaps when it's signed off? Either way this goal is a little grey in terms of measuring progress but the task is simple enough to let this slide
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends. How busy are you? Do you find it difficult to express gratitude in particular?
- Relevant - perhaps the relevance comes in what happens next? Is the letter delivered? Is it read out? Cultural differences may deem different approaches more or less relevant then others
- Timed - by midnight tomorrow
Smart Goal Example 59.
Spend one hour thinking and writing in detail about a friends life. See if I can guess what excites them, what worries them, what they want, who they care about. Go into great detail and then choose a thoughtful gift for them. Give them the gift and never tell them about this process. Do this by all in the next 2 weeks.
- Specific - The first part is very specific, even down to the questions that'll be asked in the writing activity. Choose a gift. Give a gift. All specific. "thoughtful" is unclear but this very process makes "thoughtful" a certainty.
- Measurable - one hour, choose a gift, give a gift - can be measured
- Attainable (and challenging) - Only the goal setter can really answer this
- Relevant - There's a lot of kindness in this goal. Seems relevant. But of course, it always depends on other factors. There will be situations when giving a gift would be inappropriate
- Timed - in the next two weeks
Smart Goal Example 60.
Develop 100 genuinely close friendships that meet my self-selected criteria (examples might be we both share 5 different joys and pains, or we have both expressed our gratitude for each other) by 2030
- Specific - The criteria is specific but perhaps it doesn't fit the goal? "develop" is vague. I'd recommend "genuinely close" be measured with a feeling question or questionnaire here.
- Measurable - "100" is a good start. Also the criteria, while perhaps not relevant, is on the plus side, measurable.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends.
- Relevant - With this criteria, you could argue you have a genuinely close friendship with the waiter at the restaurant you went to last night. some would argue you can have genuinely close friendships where you never speak... When you do see each other it's like you've never been apart and you immediate connect brilliantly. There might be a lot of points up for debate in this goal but regardless I respect the effort. The distant target date raises the most important question, "does this goal stir up hope, inspiration, action, in the goal setter?"
Ten examples of smart fun/enjoyment goals
Smart goal example: Fun
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Smart Goal Example 61.
Choose 5 things I love to do. When asked "how much do you love doing this thing on a scale of 1-10?" I can answer at least 7/10. Complete this by 5pm today.
- Specific - Not much wrong here. Very specific. The only slight, but probably irrelevant specific thing I'd add would be "choose and list" but I'm perhaps nitpicking
- Measurable - 5 things, 7/10
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends. The timed element is the key bit.
- Relevant - How relevant is knowing what you love and knowing how much you love it? Knowing how will this information be used may add to the relevance.
Smart Goal Example 62.
Do at least 1 of my "things I love to do" per week for a month
- Measurable - do 1 thing per week
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends, as it always does.
- Relevant - How relevant is doing what you love? Is the number relevant? Is the time-frame relevant? These are good questions to ask yourself as you work on and tweak your goal
Smart Goal Example 63.
Do 1 completely new fun thing this month
- Specific - "fun" is subjective but I don't see this being a problem in terms of the motivation created by this goal. Perhaps "completely" could be defined as well.
- Measurable - do 1 completely new thing
- Attainable (and challenging) - depends
- Relevant - If it's completely new is there a risk that this ends up being not fun? being a total beginner can have it's complications
Smart Goal Example 64.
Make a list of 50 things I've found to be fun throughout my life-time and choose one thing from the past that I haven't done in ages and do it by the end of June this year
- Specific - "list" is clear. "life-time" is clear but maybe not entirely relevant?
- Measurable - 50 things. Choose 1. "In ages" needs to be changed to aid measurement.
- Attainable (and challenging) - depends
- Relevant - Is the number 50 relevant? Is fun relevant? Is choosing just one thing relevant from a list of 50? I suppose this is just the beginning and there is no saying what happens next with this list. The important thing is to ask yourself these questions.
- Timed - by end of June this year
Smart Goal Example 65.
At the end of the year 2025, when I ask myself "how enjoyable is your life at the moment out of 10?", be able to answer at least 8/10.
- Specific - An exact question... doesn't get more specific than that
- Measurable - the out of 10 scale makes this easy to measure. It would be interesting and perhaps revealing to track this perhaps checking every month, or every couple of months. The scale makes this possible.
- Attainable (and challenging) - At first I think I see no reason why not... and it's a worthy thing to aim for. At the same time, life can be unpredictable and throw up some stuff that no-one seen coming. I wouldn't stop going for it though.
- Relevant - I think happiness is one of the most relevant things to aim for. Is the use of 1 question relevant? Have other ways of measuring enjoyment been considered? Some measurement is better than none but there are also plenty of useful scales out there and an informed choice is better than an uninformed one
- Timed - at the end of the year 2025
Smart Goal Example 66.
Interview 5 different positive psychology coaches for 20-40 mins each asking 10 prepared questions to them and start to work with the one that feels like the best fit for me by the end of the month
- Specific - "interview" is specific. "positive psychology coaches" is also more specific than "coaches". Whether this is suitably so would depend on the goal the goal-setter brings to session. "prepared questions" implies some time spent preparing 10 questions and is more specific than just "questions". The question is always does being more specific increase my chances?
- Measurable - 5 coaches, 20-40mins, 10 questions, start work are all measurable.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends. Good specificity increases attainability.
- Relevant - Creating the a situation where the goal-setter can choose is relevant. Choice is empowering and impacts the belief around chances of success.
- Timed - by the end of the month
Smart Goal Example 67.
Do 12 sessions with a positive psychology coach where the focus is enjoyment and fun this year
- Specific - 12 sessions is specific but perhaps not a good choice (see below). Choosing the focus of 12 of the sessions is specific. The type of coach is also specific.
- Measurable - 12 sessions is measurable but as a session may be 30 minutes to 3 hours, number of hours may be a better measure here.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends. Have potential obstacles and option for responding been considered?
- Relevant - Often in coaching, other more relevant goals come up and the focus shifts. Having an initial intention though is still important.
Smart Goal Example 68.
Complete a diary writing exercise on fun/enjoyment - Spend 20 minutes a day for 4 days imagining myself having fun doing some future activity and writing about the future experience in as much detail as possible
- Specific - good level of detail. More specific would include whether it's for 4 days in a row, or 4 days within the next two weeks for example.
- Measurable - 20 minutes, 4 days
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends
- Relevant - This sounds like an adaptation of an intervention called "my best self" which was shown to increase happiness levels. This would work in it's favour when it comes to relevance
- Timed - for 4 days. Consecutive?
Smart Goal Example 69.
Choose one activity that happens regularly in my life and is typically not fun. If it is safe to do so, i.e. if the risk is minimal, then decide to do something within that activity to make it a little more fun than before. Try this out within the next two weeks
- Specific - "happens regularly" is a little vague which hinders this goal. Regularly could be 3 times a year meaning it may not even happen within the next two weeks. "decide to do" is not as good as "do". This goal needs some work.
- Measurable - one activity is. Try this out within needs a better measure I think.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends
- Relevant - "If risk is minimal" is a relevant clause. Supports wise action.
- Timed - within the next two months
Smart Goal Example 70.
This week look out for instances where I burst out laughing genuinely and loudly and record each event in a laughter list. At the end of the week share it with someone who I think will particularly enjoy it
- Specific - "burst out laughing", "loudly" both will help identification."Laughter list" will help recording. Both good examples of specific being helpful.
- Measurable - Tricky one. "share with someone" is measurable. "look out" can be measured but how often? how well? Maybe a little extra could support attainment here. Like "catch myself looking out 3 times a day"?
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends. What might further increase the goal-setters chances?
- Relevant - "Someone" feels like a missed opportunity. Why not 5 people? 10 people? 20 people? If that moment was wonderful why not share it more widely. This would depend on the goal-setters reasoning for one person. There may be a good reason.
Ten examples smart goals for students and studying
Smart goal example: Study
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Smart Goal Example 71.
To get a final grade of __ or more out of 100 in my course on the planned end date
- Specific - "final grade" is specific. "my course" assumes just one course happening.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends. Only the individual could know if it's a good mix of attainable and challenging.
- Relevant - I think it's especially relevant to choose a desired outcome grade when studying. A good target will change directional actions and choices a lot.
Smart Goal Example 72.
To get a ____ in my current module
- Specific - "current module" assumes just one module happening. If more than one happening naming the module is recommended.
- Measurable - a _____ (number or grade added here)
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends. Only the individual could know if the target grade is a good mix of attainable and challenging. If grades are A, B, C, for example a number or % would be better to specify... like "Over 75".
- Relevant - in my experience setting smart goals for a module is not the norm. The norm is try their best and see. Setting a clear goal can give a serious edge and can plant the seed for helpful actions that wouldn't otherwise be taken.
- Timed - although the planned end date is perhaps implied it never hurts to mention it
Smart Goal Example 73.
To spend __ hours studying this week/this month/this weekend
- Specific - "hours studying" is specific. Mentioning exactly what and exactly how would be more specific. It comes down to the goal-setter to decide if this level of specificity would create more motivation and drive or not...
- Attainable (and challenging) - It depends.
- Relevant - It stands to reason that more hours studying is an action likely to help with the final grade but of course even this depends on other factors. The quality of study is also important. Both time spent and quality are within our power and control, although perhaps time spent more so, especially is a deadline is looming.
- Timed - this week/this month/this weekend
Smart Goal Example 74.
To come up with 5 different ways of studying more efficiently by the end of the week and rank them in their potential
- Specific - "more efficiently" might be hard to get a grips with. "faster" would be more specific and measurable but may not be appropriate. "levels of retention" could also be more useful and could be checked. It would be helpful to define the specific purpose of study in this particular case.
- Measurable - 5 ways. Rank by potential for efficiency.
- Attainable (and challenging) - It depends
- Relevant - I imagine this is the kind of thing it would most relevant to do without immediate pressure looming. Perhaps in the summer before term begins? But of course it depends on the student's unique circumstances and capacities
- Timed - by the end of the week
Smart Goal Example 75.
To try out one new way of studying more efficiently in the next two weeks
- Specific - some issues with the word "efficiently". See the goal above.
- Measurable - "1 way" is good, "try out" is tricky to measure (how long before a method has been reasonably tried? 5 seconds? 10 mins? 1 hour?)
- Attainable (and challenging) - It depends
- Relevant - Is a new way of studying a wise action. What evidence is their to support this claim? Is the timing good for this attempt?
- Timed - in the next two weeks is all good
Smart Goal Example 76.
To create 10 interview questions for life/study coaches so I can choose the best fit for me by 3pm today
- Specific - "for life/study coaches" is good specificity. Stating the purpose is also helpful.
- Measurable - 10 questions
- Attainable (and challenging) - It depends
- Relevant - Feels like a good preparation goal. How these questions will be used is not stated which leaves room for flexibility.
Smart Goal Example 77.
To interview 5 different coaches and rate each one in how good a fit they feel by the end of the month
- Specific - "interview" is specific. "coach" rather than "study coach" or "educational coach" maybe leave room for improvement.
- Measurable - 5 interviews. Rate each on (out of 5? out of 10?)
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on the person. How convinced are you that you would be able to complete this? 7/10? 4/10? What might you do to increase your chances slightly?
- Relevant - How important are your grades? Is this method something you have reason to pursue? Levels of relevance will depend on your answers
- Timed - by the end of the month
Smart Goal Example 78.
To complete 10 hours of coaching that focuses on my studying with a coach of my choosing by the time next term starts
- Specific - Choosing the focus of 10 of the hours is specific. "coach of my choosing" is specific.
- Measurable - 10 hours is measurable
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends. Is there ample time? finances?
- Relevant - Seems to me 10 hours is a relevant goal but also the goal-setter might want to factor in flexibility. i.e. desired goals may be achieved in 5 sessions. What then?
- Timed - by the time the next term starts
Smart Goal Example 79.
Spend 2 hours researching successful academics. Buy a biography of the one I like most and read it before the course starts
- Specific - "hours researching" is specific. Mentioning exactly what also helps. "biography" is also clear. I'm guessing there is a good reason for this. "read it" implies "reading it all" i think.
- Measurable - ____ hours, buy, read it.
- Attainable (and challenging) - It depends.
- Relevant - I like the idea of researching for a period of time before buying. It will lead to choice which has many positive outcomes. It also means the researching won't go on indefinitely which is a positive thing when considering the psychology making decisions.
- Timed - before the course starts
Smart Goal Example 80.
Ask 10 of my closest friends... people who I think will be honest with me and care about me for feedback. Ask them, "Considering my entire life and everything you know about me, what is one thing you think I'd be wise to focus on in relation to my studying?". Take a week to reflect on the feedback then decide to accept or reject it and state to myself the reasons why. Plan 3 action steps based on this process. Do this within the next month.
- Specific - friend criteria is specific. Question is also. Good level of detail throughout.
- Measurable - 10 friends, a week to reflect, 3 action steps
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends. Will all the friends come through? What other things might get in the way that can be prepared for?
- Relevant - Will the feedback be helpful? There is some possibility that close friends may not wish to rock the boat so the feedback may be watered down? Whereas, feedback from a professional for example may be more helpful. Some feedback is better than none though as long as the goal-setter is in a place where they are open to it.
- Timed - within the next month
Ten examples of smart well-being and happiness goals
Smart goal example: Happiness/Wellbeing
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Smart Goal Example 81.
To complete 50 hours with a well-being/happiness coach by the year 2025
- Specific - "wellbeing/happiness coach" is more specific than just "life coach" or "coach", and appropriately so.
- Measurable - 50 hours is measurable
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends. Lots of time helps as means more time for a come-back for example.
- Relevant - Seems to me 50 hours is a long term commitment to focusing on happiness. Feels relevant.
Smart Goal Example 82.
To measure my current level of well-being using 3 different scales by the end of the month
- Specific - "measure" "current level of well-being". It's all very clear. The outcome is clear, the actions are clear.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends
- Relevant - Is 3 scales relevant? It's certainly an interesting idea. The reasoning would shed some light. It could be argued well-being (a scientific word that is often used interchangeably with happiness) is relevant for everyone. However, is there a particular relevance for the goal-setter here? Is it especially important? Also what happens next could be factored into the relevance of this goal.
- Timed - by the end of month
Smart Goal Example 83.
To increase my well-being score by 10% in one year
- Specific - very specific.
- Measurable - 10% (current scores needed to compare with)
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends.
- Relevant - well-being is almost certainly important for every person. It can become even more important if there is a strong answer to the question "why?", which brings focus to impact on life and other people for example. It could be argued that a focus on well-being may not suit some. It must always be a personal choice from the goal-setter.
Smart Goal Example 84.
To research and decide on 5 activities intended to increase my well-being and rank them in preference by the end of this week
- Specific - "activities intended to increase my well-being" is clear and specific. As is "research", "decide on", and "rank". Possibly adding a more detailed criteria for preference could make this goal just a little smarter.
- Measurable - 5 ways. Rank.
- Attainable (and challenging) - It depends. Is time-frame appropriate?
- Relevant - why is well-being important to you? How meaningful is it out of 10? The outcome is powerful (5 ranked options) and gives choice and a feeling of possibility.
- Timed - by the end of the week
Smart Goal Example 85.
To carry out 1 activity to increase my well-being/happiness per week for a month
- Specific - specific purpose of activity - well-being. Is it the same activity 4 times or a different activity? This isn't clear.
- Measurable - 1 activity per week for a month - easy to measure.
- Attainable (and challenging) - How could you support yourself in increase attainability. Would depend on the activity. Is it simple? long? applied? or simply a writing activity? Maybe a good idea to re-visit the goal after details of the activity are known. A separate goal could be set for finding 1 powerful activity. and then after it's found this goal could be adjusted suitably.
- Relevant - Seems to me especially relevant but also depends on multiple factors. There's always going to be an example where it's not good timing, or where there's a more suitable focus elsewhere.
Smart Goal Example 86.
To make a list of 10 things I've done in the past or I presently do to increase my well-being/happiness and with unflinching honesty rate each out of 10 on how successful it is/was. Complete by end of the month
- Specific - "list" is clear. "in the past or presently" is also good detail. Attaching the thing I do to the purpose for doing it could get messy. Maybe I don't do something in order to increase my well-being but it does anyway. Does this count? Unflinching honesty is an interesting specification.
- Measurable - 10 things. rate out of 10.
- Attainable (and challenging) - depends
- Relevant - Is the number 10 relevant? Is well-being relevant? Is the time-frame especially relevant?
- Timed - by end of the month
Smart Goal Example 87.
To read a highly rated (4/5 or above on amazon) book on well-being by the end of the month
- Specific - "book on well-being" is clear. I prefer "finish reading" to "read" but some may accuse me of being pedantic.
- Measurable - 4/5 or above rated book
- Attainable (and challenging) - depends on time available, reading speed, length of book...
- Relevant - Is the rating relevant? Is well-being relevant? Is the time-frame especially relevant? What happens at the end of the month?
- Timed - by end of the month
Smart Goal Example 88.
To work out how much time I devoted to my own happiness/well-being last week and try and increase the amount of time by 25% next week
- Specific - Good level of specificity. What needs to happen is clear. The only word that I'm questioning is "devoted to". Sounds like this may be to specific. "Contributed to" may be better unless the goal-setter is looking specifically at conscious pro-active attempts.
- Attainable (and challenging) - tricky bit might be working how much time devoted to well-being. If the goal setter uses a daily Schedule it would help but still difficult to decide what counts.
- Relevant - Is 25% increase in time especially significant? Have other ways been acknowledged and chosen from?
Smart Goal Example 89.
To search and discover 3 things in my life that I think currently restrict or reduce my well-being/happiness and have 2 sessions with my well-being coach on making some changes here within the next 3 months
- Specific - "discover" is clear. The thing being searched for is also good... no room for debate. "I think" helps this. "my well-being coach" implies the relationship has already began? Is this correct?
- Measurable - 3 things, 2 sessions - both measurable.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on current situation. Is the coach already in place?
- Relevant - It's debatable whether 2 sessions is the right amount but at least the goal-setter will try and see and learn.
- Timed - within the next 3 months
Smart Goal Example 90.
To make a list of the 10 closest people in my life and write down 5 things that you imagine make each of them happy. Circle the things that are most uniquely matched to them. Then create my own list. Circle the things that feel like they're the most uniquely matched to me. Do this by the end of the week.
- Specific - "list" is specific. people criteria is specific - "closest". "write down", "things that you imagine make them happy", "circle", "uniquely matched". This goal has a good amount specificity. Is "my own list" also 5 items?
- Measurable - 10 people, 5 things
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends. Good level of specifics at the beginning certainly makes this all more attainable.
- Relevant - Seems like an interesting goal. The purpose of discovering the different things that make people tick and also for the goal-setter I imagine would lead to some outcomes like increased social intelligence, broad-mindedness, as well as self-acceptance (an aspect of psychological well-being).
- Timed - by the end of the week
Ten examples of smart learning and personal development goals
Smart goal example: Personal Development
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Smart Goal Example 91.
Choose someone whose actual life best embodies life-long learning and personal development and read their biography within the next month
- Specific - "choose", "read their biography". Both of these can be clearly identified upon completion
- Measurable - The length of the book and the next month time-frame will provide the motivation and energy behind this goal
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on book length, schedule, reading ability etc
- Relevant - If life-long learning is important to you it makes sense to gain inspiration from some role model that exemplifies this. I like the idea of reading a biography, hopefully getting the bigger picture/context etc. Are there larger goals that this shorter goal ties into? This would increase relevance
- Timed - within the next month
Smart Goal Example 92.
Read 100 books from my list in the next _(time-frame added here)_
- Specific - "from my list" makes this specific. "Read" is ok but "finish" is better.
- Measurable - "100" is good
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on the time-frame selected and countless other factors.
- Relevant - I'm perhaps biased, but reading lots seems especially relevant to me in terms of personal development. Of course it would depend on the book list mentioned and whether the books in there support the other goals of the goal-setter.
- Timed - (time-frame added)
Smart Goal Example 93.
Research 5 different courses that would help my personal development and write down 5 different potential times in my life for doing them. Choose the best combo of course and time by the end of today
- Specific - "that would help my personal development" is a little of a crystal ball based PIT (performance inhibiting thought). Better would be "that intend to" or "that have been shown to". "Research", "write down", "times in my life" are all good. Some specifications for the course may help (price, length etc).
- Measurable - 5 courses. 5 times.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on time available today.
- Relevant - Depends on what happens next.
Smart Goal Example 94.
Choose 5 different people who I predict would give me helpful and valuable feedback about my personal development and ask them for the top 1 thing they think I would benefit from focusing on by the end of the week
- Specific - people criteria is specific. Good level of detail throughout.
- Measurable - 5 people, top 1 thing
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends. Will all the friends come through? What other things might cause difficulty that can be prepared for?
- Relevant - Will the feedback be helpful? How will it be used? Are there any risks in doing this? Have these been planned for? Feedback can be really important in making progress
- Timed - by the end of the week
Smart Goal Example 95.
To do a degree/masters degree/PHD in the subject I'm most passionate about by the year 2025
- Specific - "start" or "complete" would be better than "do". "subject I'm most passionate about" - implies just one subject would do. Is this too specific and thus undesirably restrictive? Or is this an important element of the goal? Only the goal-setter will know but this is the kind of self-reflection the smart acronym can help with.
- Measurable - better wording would help measurement
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on multiple factors. Some work identifying them is almost always beneficial in the successful setting of a goal that works well.
- Relevant - Depends. Is a further degree especially relevant in your "subject of most passion"? Is there some other special relevance or reason for you here?
Smart Goal Example 96.
To learn 1 new exciting thing and practise it for 100 hours this year
- Specific - "learn" isn't great here. "choose" would be better. The learning will be in the practise. "exciting new thing" is good. "practise it" also solid.
- Measurable - 1 thing, 100 hours (tick chart would be helpful).
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on various factors. Time, money, what it'll lead to, other priorities etc
- Relevant - The reasons for doing this I imagine will be especially important here when it comes to persistence. It will also depend a lot of what the "a new thing" ends up being
Smart Goal Example 97.
To spend 3 hours researching personal development this week and choosing the one area that I'm most excited about making a change in
- Specific - "researching personal development" is good. "area most excited about" is also good. "choosing" is clear.
- Measurable - 3 hours, 1 area
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends.
- Relevant - Is personal development meaningful for you? How meaningful on a scale of 1 to 10? The answers to questions like this will help choose if this goal is relevant and how it could be more so.
Smart Goal Example 98.
To research and find 5 personal development coaches within my price range by the end of today
- Specific - "research" is specific. "personal development coach" rather than "coach" is good. "within price range" is a good detail to add.
- Measurable - find 5 coaches
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on the person. How convinced are you that you would be able to complete this? 7/10? 4/10?
- Relevant - How important is self development to you? Levels of relevance will depend on your answer to questions like this
- Timed - by the end of today
Smart Goal Example 99.
To decide on 5 qualities that I'd look for in a coach and write interview questions and interview 5 coaches by the end of this month
- Specific - "qualities in a coach" is good. "write interview questions" also clear. Number of questions could be helpful to state and maybe even minimum length of interviews or perhaps a range i.e. between 10-20 mins.
- Measurable - 5 qualities, interview 5 coaches
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on varies things. Availability of coaches. Time.
- Relevant - Is coaching something the goal-setter has done before? Is this method relevant? I'd say the method of choosing from 5 is relevant from a psychological perspective. More choice = more hope usually.
- Timed - by the end of this month
Smart Goal Example 100.
To start working with my personal development coach within the next two months
- Specific - "to start working" is ok but could be a little more specific. like to "start our face to face work".
- Measurable - a more specific goal is usually also easier to measure. The answer to the question "how will you know when you've reached your goal?" should be clear and unequivocal.
- Attainable (and challenging) - Depends on the current reality. The starting point.
- Relevant - Coaching has been found to improve enhance development significantly so from that perspective it's relevant. "a personal development" coach is an interesting one... would that be more relevant than working with a life coach or a well-being coach? it's a good question to explore.
- Timed - within the next two months
and finally...
Is there anything else smart goal related you'd like me to create?
Also if you have a goal and you want to run it by me and the other readers here using the SMART criteria feel free to comment below and I'll get to you as soon as I can.
Smart Goal Setting
Smart Goal Examples
Goal Setting Examples
Smart Goal Examples
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