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Expert Health & Wellbeing Coaching | Helping You Thrive in Life

Our accredited coaches provide holistic health and wellbeing coaching to young adults. Achieve your personal, academic, and wellbeing goals with expert guidance

As a young adult between 18-25, you are navigating a crucial phase of life, often filled with excitement and new opportunities but also stress, uncertainty, and pressure. You may be balancing university studies, social life, and future career planning, while managing your mental and physical wellbeing.

A serene, welcoming image of a forest and a lake that evokes calm and balance

Whether it's feelings of overwhelm, struggles with motivation, managing stress, or maintaining a healthy balance, we understand these challenges because they are shared by many people your age. We're here to help you find clarity and develop strategies to confidently handle these pressures, so you can thrive both academically and personally.

Our Passion for Wellbeing

We believe that wellbeing is the foundation for success, especially during these transformative years. Our passion lies in helping young adults like you realize your potential and lead a fulfilling, balanced life.

The importance of wellbeing for young adults cannot be overstated, and we are committed to helping you develop lifelong habits that will support not just your academic achievements but your overall happiness and personal growth. We care deeply about making sure you feel seen, supported, and empowered to take control of your health and wellbeing.

Model of psychological wellbeing

Why Clients Love Working With Us

Our clients tell us they feel truly understood, heard, and supported when they work with us. They appreciate our approach, which is not only professional but also personal and empathetic. We bring kindness, a natural style of coaching, and a warmth that makes our clients feel at ease.

All of our coaches have also walked similar paths, so we can genuinely relate to the pressures you're experiencing. Our goal is to inspire and guide you, not just with knowledge, but through real conversations that resonate on a personal level. You’ll leave each session feeling empowered, more positive, and ready to take on whatever comes next.

Picture of a women in a hoodie

How Our Services Can Help You

  • Personalized Strategies: We provide tailored coaching that fits your unique needs and goals, helping you find balance in a busy life.
  • Holistic Approach: Our wellbeing focus includes not only mental and emotional health but also physical wellbeing, ensuring a comprehensive strategy for your success.
  • Flexible Support: Whether you prefer remote sessions or in-person meetings in Durham, Newcastle, York, or Darlington, we offer flexible options to fit your lifestyle.
  • Proven Results: Our clients report improved mental clarity, reduced stress, better time management, and a stronger sense of purpose after working with us.
  • Certified Coaches: Our team is fully accredited, with certifications in both coaching and wellbeing, ensuring you receive expert guidance grounded in real knowledge and experience.
  • Testimonials 

    Here’s what some of our clients say about their coaching experience:

    When I first approached being coached, I felt a bit hesitant. My coach created a very safe environment, where it felt easy to talk. I grew up in an environment where we didn’t really ever discuss “issues” but rather were expected to just get on with it. By the time I started talking with my coach, I had so many things that I wanted to discuss/go through etc, years’ worth of traumatic events/memories/times where I was unable to speak up and then all the current issues these were then impacting. My coach never made me feel judged or like I had too much going on or that I was waffling on about something that happened so long ago.

    Instead, he helped me navigate through the numerous piles of things I wanted to discuss. It was a lot, and it was overwhelming, but my coach was patient and understanding. I always try to tackle things head on and could probably talk for hours. So, the coaching helped me slow down and encouraged me to reflect on why I was bringing up a memory or event, how it has impacted me. So instead of just me ranting for an hour a week, I was reflecting on why an event was still holding relevance. My coach would also at times send me some articles that I found interesting and could go through in my own time or come back to if needed in future.

    The coaching has left me with genuine life changing skills. He has helped guide me towards being a stronger individual who can put up good healthy boundaries. The skills and lessons I have learned have been beyond beneficial and have helped me in all areas of my life. This in turn has helped me become more confident in myself and my abilities so I cannot thank him enough for that.

    My coach was amazing, he never “dominated” a session but rather let me lead most of them and then guided me when I went on a side tangent or started jumping between numerous topics - which I am known to do. He was amazing at getting me to reflect on the session, what I have taken from it and what I have learned so that I may take the information and use it moving forward. His coaching style with me was involved but not taking over, provoking thought and guiding me towards my own conclusions rather than telling me what to do. A kind of help you help yourself approach, which is why now I feel like I actually have the ability to work through situations by myself as my coach encouraged that independent thought process. Offering guidance where needed, he would say something like, what are 3 possible ways in which you could respond to the situation/circumstance, I would lay out my options and then talk through them. 

    It was honestly just fantastic and extremely effective because it puts in place steps that I am now able to go through myself.

    The coaching encouraged independence and that is what really worked so well for me. It also encouraged a forward focus, acknowledging what has happened, not disregarding it as I had done previously, but then instead of just focusing on the past and the negative, we would then look at where to go from there, how to grow from the situation. Not just stagnant negativity, which was a big fear of mine coming into coaching. The coaching acknowledges the past and negative issues and allows for a deep dive into these; however, it also encourages forward movement, healing and learning.


    Working with WiseGoals really helped to build my self-confidence that I could make changes the changes I wanted to my lifestyle. Every session gave me a chance to focus on what was important to me and my progress and I always left feeling empowered, confident and grounded in my ability to achieve my goals whilst celebrating what I had already achieved.

    My coach was encouraging and motivating, whilst making sure you remain in control of your journey. He asks all the right questions - the challenging ones to make you think deeply - but in a sensitive and considered way. I’m very grateful WiseGoals and their commitment to guiding me to achieve my dreams. 


    My coach's calm and kind approach combined with an ability to listen deeply and ask insightful questions makes for an enjoyable and powerful coaching experience. The coaching has helped me to successfully reach my career goal and also goals that emerged through coaching in different areas of my life, including well-being goals. I have no hesitation in recommending WiseGoals and I am very grateful for the coaching.


    My coach's caring, attentive, focused, and listening way of being in the moment has enabled me to have fun, laugh, relax, and experience novel sides within me at the same time as discovering sensitive and vulnerable parts of myself. As a human and as a coach he has provided me space to uncover new potentials within me and break through unhelpful patterns. 


    Coaching has been life transforming for me. It brought out the best in me, restored my confidence and improved my productivity. Being introduced to positive psychology has been healing and life changing for the better.
    I gained the ability to self-organise, self-manage, prioritise, (particularly in my work life) and become more compassionate towards myself. The proactive and motivational coaching helped me realize that my ADHD and mental health issues can serve as incentives and assets rather than barriers. I also learned the importance of having a solid routine and structure.


    I really enjoyed my coaching journey. It was very professional, and the interesting questions allowed me to unlock my vision of what I really want. My coach helped me to focus on solutions so I could get closer to my goals with each session. He is also a very nice person with a warm and compassionate approach. Highly recommend WiseGoals coaching!


    My coach made me feel very safe and comfortable and able to reflect on some deep questions during a time of loss. He gently guided me, over time, to focus on some things that were important to me and the reasons I wanted to pursue them. The coaching was warm, caring and let me explore my feelings. I found him to be an excellent listener and gentle in his way of guiding our sessions. Very grateful.


    Start Your Wellbeing Journey Today

    Take the first step toward a healthier, more balanced life. Book your free initial consultation today and discover how we can help you thrive!


    What is health and wellbeing coaching?
    Health and wellbeing coaching is a personalized, supportive process that helps you define and reach your health, wellness, and life goals. It focuses on both mental and physical wellbeing to ensure a balanced approach to personal development.

    How can coaching benefit me as a university student?
    University life can be stressful, and coaching helps you develop strategies to manage stress, improve time management, stay motivated, and create routines that support your overall wellbeing. Whether you're facing academic pressure or personal challenges, we help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

    Do I need to have specific goals in mind before starting coaching?
    Not at all. Many clients come to us looking for clarity. We work with you to explore your current challenges and help you identify meaningful, achievable goals that align with your values.

    Can I choose between in-person or remote coaching?
    Yes! We offer both options to suit your needs. You can meet with a coach remotely or in person in Durham, Newcastle, York, or Darlington, depending on what works best for you.

    How long does a typical coaching session last?
    A typical coaching session lasts around 60 minutes. This gives us enough time to explore your challenges, set actionable steps, and review your progress. However, we can tailor the session length based on your preferences and needs.

    How many sessions will I need?
    The number of sessions varies depending on your goals and personal situation. Some clients benefit from just a few sessions to gain clarity and direction, while others prefer ongoing coaching over several months for deeper personal development.

    Is coaching confidential?
    Yes, confidentiality is a key part of our coaching practice. Everything discussed in your coaching sessions remains private and secure, creating a safe space for you to express yourself freely.

    What qualifications do your coaches have?
    Our coaches are certified and accredited in both coaching and positive psychology - the science of wellbeing. They have specialized training in areas such as positive psychology, mental health support, and personal development, ensuring you receive expert guidance tailored to your unique needs.

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